Wednesday, February 23, 2011

God sees

Recently I’ve spent a lot of time in the book of Ruth. One thing that strikes me is how obvious it is that God saw and rewarded her daily choices to do the right thing—often the hard thing. She went far beyond in her commitment to her mother-in-law, not only vowing to stick with her until death, but following through by providing for her with the hard work of gleaning. Although Boaz first noticed her because of the commitment she had made (2:11), her faithfulness caused him to observe that everyone knew that she was a woman of noble character (3:10-11). Her daily choices paid off.

We all know that God sees our sins and failures, but are we really convinced that He also sees and rewards our hard daily choices to obey Him? How can we communicate this concept to the girls we disciple? We can encourage them that God sees them and rewards faithfulness. And we must always remember that our girls see us and notice the integrity of our daily choices.