Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A burning question for believers

About fifteen of us sat together for almost three hours as we wrestled with the question: how do we make a radical difference in the spiritual growth of the next generation? The group included children’s workers, youth leaders and pastors, and senior pastors from various churches. We all agreed that we need to invest in the young people God entrusts to our churches. Everyone felt that mentoring and discipleship was the key. There was also a clear, rather desperate, consensus that the youth and children’s leaders and pastors cannot accomplish this by themselves. So the stumper question of the day ended up being: How do we help others in the church see the need, commit their time and experience, and help them know how to go about it? How do we involve others in the discipleship process?

We did not leave with a clear-cut solution. We left with more questions than answers. But we left convinced that somehow we need to find the answer.

What do you think? Please post your comments—the difference this discussion makes could be radical!